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9 Signs of a Bad Shingle Roof Replacement

9 signs of a bad shingle roof replacement concept cover
Explore the clear indicators of a poorly executed shingle roof replacement, including damaged shingles and inadequate installation. Understand the significance of proper ventilation and how to address these issues effectively.
9 signs of bad shingle roof replacement

Imagine waking up to the pitter-patter of rain, feeling secure and dry under your roof. Now, imagine the opposite – a roof that fails to protect, letting water seep through and damage your cherished home. 

This nightmare scenario is often the result of a poor shingle roof replacement. Your home’s roof is not just another structure; it’s the guardian of your family’s safety and comfort, the crown of your home’s aesthetic appeal.

At Better Built Contractors, we recognize the distress and frustration of poor roofing work. That’s why we’ve crafted this indispensable guide, highlighting the nine crucial signs of a subpar shingle roof replacement. Armed with this knowledge, you can ensure the well-being of your roof and, by extension, your home.

Shingle Alignment: A Critical Aspect of Roof Functionality

The alignment of shingles is far more than a cosmetic concern; it’s a vital component of your roof’s overall health and functionality. When shingles are misaligned, it’s not just the aesthetic appeal of your home that suffers – the very integrity of the roof is compromised.

misaligned shingles after replacement

Misaligned shingles can create gaps and lead to uneven wear, exposing your roof to potential leaks, wind damage, and a shortened lifespan. This issue, if not addressed, can escalate into more significant problems, leaving your home vulnerable to the elements and potentially leading to costly repairs down the line.

What to Look For

To ensure your roof is in top condition, inspecting your shingles’ alignment regularly is crucial. Here’s what you need to look for:

  1. Straight, Parallel Lines: The shingles should form straight, parallel lines across the entire roof. Any deviation from this can indicate poor installation.
  2. Even Gaps and Overlaps: Each shingle should be evenly spaced, with consistent overlaps. Irregular gaps or overlaps can lead to water infiltration and damage.
  3. Overall Uniformity: The roof should have a uniform appearance, without any visible bulges or dips, which are often signs of underlying issues.

What You Can Do Yourself

While it’s always best to leave significant repairs to the professionals, there are a few things you can do yourself to help maintain shingle alignment:

  • Clearing Debris: Regularly remove debris, such as leaves and branches, from your roof to prevent weight and pressure that can cause shingles to shift.
  • Trimming Overhanging Trees: Overhanging tree branches can rub against shingles, causing them to become misaligned or damaged.
  • Avoiding Pressure Washing: While it may seem like a quick and easy way to clean your roof, pressure washing can loosen and dislodge shingles, leading to alignment issues.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, our approach to shingle alignment combines meticulous attention to detail with the latest roofing technology. Here’s our process:

  1. Precision Equipment: We use advanced tools to measure and align each shingle, ensuring accuracy to the last millimeter.
  2. Skilled Technicians: Our team of experienced professionals is trained in the art and science of shingle installation. They understand the nuances of roofing materials and techniques, ensuring a flawless finish.
  3. Quality Control: Throughout the installation process, we conduct rigorous quality checks. This proactive approach allows us to promptly identify and rectify any alignment issues, ensuring your roof’s integrity and longevity.
  4. Customer Involvement: We believe in keeping our clients informed and involved. Our team provides regular updates and insights into the installation process, ensuring you’re aware of how we’re safeguarding your home.

Proper shingle alignment is not just about creating a visually appealing roof; it’s about ensuring the durability and functionality of your home’s primary defense against the weather. At Better Built Contractors, we don’t just install roofs – we provide peace of mind with every shingle we lay.

Proper shingle alignment is not just about creating a visually appealing roof; it’s about ensuring the durability and functionality of your home’s primary defense against the weather. At Better Built Contractors, we don’t just install roofs – we provide peace of mind with every shingle we lay.

Too Many/Few Roofing Nails

Using the correct number of roofing nails and proper sealing techniques are not just procedural details in shingle installation; they are fundamental to the roof’s ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.

not enough roofing nails are in this installation

The consequences of using too many or too few roofing nails can be severe, ranging from loose shingles to pervasive leaks that can damage the structural integrity of your home. Proper nailing and sealing are essential for the longevity and effectiveness of your roof.

What to Look For

To ensure your roof is up to the task of protecting your home, here’s what you need to inspect:

  1. Nailing Pattern Consistency: Each shingle should have a precise number of nails, typically four to six, depending on the shingle type and the roof’s slope.
  2. Evenly Spaced Nails: The nails should be evenly spaced and driven straight into the shingle’s nailing strip.
  3. Proper Asphalt Sealant Application: Check that the sealant is uniformly applied along the edges and at the designated spots to prevent water seepage.
  4. Nail Length and Penetration: The nails should be long enough to penetrate the shingle firmly into the roof deck but not protrude through the underside.

What You Can Do Yourself

While you should always leave replacing asphalt shingles to the professionals, there are a few things you can do yourself to ensure proper nailing and sealing of your shingles:

  • Inspecting After Installation: Once the installation is complete, inspect the roof yourself or have a professional inspector look for any visible issues.
  • Checking for Loose Nails: Regularly check for loose or exposed nails and have them fixed immediately to prevent further damage.
  • Keeping an Eye on Weather Conditions: Extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain, can cause shingles to lift and pull out nails. Monitor the weather forecast and take necessary precautions if a storm is approaching.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, we take a systematic and thorough approach to ensure every shingle is nailed and sealed correctly:

  1. Adhering to Industry Standards: We follow the roofing industry’s best practices for nailing and sealing shingles. This includes using the recommended number of nails per shingle and placing them in the correct pattern.
  2. Using Premium-Quality Materials: We use only high-grade, corrosion-resistant roofing nails and high-quality sealants. This ensures the shingles remain secure and leak-free, even in extreme weather conditions.
  3. Expert Training: Our roofing professionals are extensively trained in proper nailing techniques. They understand the importance of nail placement, depth, and spacing, ensuring each shingle is perfectly installed.
  4. Quality Checks: We conduct comprehensive inspections throughout the installation process. This vigilance allows us to maintain the highest quality and durability standards in our roofing projects.
  5. Client Education: We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge. Our team explains the importance of proper nailing and sealing, offering insights into our techniques and materials.

Correctly using roofing nails and sealants is a critical factor in the longevity and performance of your shingle roof. At Better Built Contractors, we don’t just install roofs; we build robust, weather-resistant shields for your home, paying attention to every nail and sealant line.

Improper Overhang

The overhang of shingles plays a pivotal role in your roof’s overall functionality and protection. It’s not just about how the roof looks; it’s about ensuring proper water runoff and safeguarding the underlying structure.

improper amount of overhang on roofing installation

The right amount of overhang is critical – too little leaves your roof susceptible to water infiltration and structural damage, while too much can result in wind uplift and compromised stability. Understanding and achieving the proper overhang is essential for the longevity and effectiveness of your roof.

What to Look For

Regular inspections can help you determine if your roof’s overhang is adequate. Here are the key points to check:

  1. Correct Extension Beyond Drip Edge: The shingles should extend slightly beyond the roof’s drip edge. This ensures that water effectively drains off the roof and into the gutters, not behind them.
  2. Uniform Overhang: The overhang should be consistent around the entire roof perimeter. Inconsistencies can lead to uneven water runoff and potential damage.
  3. Signs of Water Damage: Check the edges of your roof and the underlying eaves for signs of water damage or rot, which may indicate inadequate overhang.

What You Can Do Yourself

While it’s always best to leave roofing work to the professionals, you can perform regular visual inspections yourself. If you notice any issues with your roof’s overhang, contact a reputable roofing contractor to address them.

  • Regular Gutter Cleaning: Keeping your gutters clean is crucial for proper water runoff and preventing buildup that can lead to damage.
  • Trimming Overhanging Trees: Overhanging tree branches can not only cause damage to shingles but also obstruct proper water drainage. Regularly trim branches that hang over your roof to ensure they don’t interfere with the overhang.
  • Ensuring Proper Drip Edge Installation: When installing a new roof, ensure the drip edge is correctly placed and extends beyond the fascia board to prevent water from seeping behind the gutters.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, we take a meticulous and measured approach to ensure the overhang is just proper:

  1. Precision Measurement: Every project starts with precise measurements. We ensure that the overhang meets the industry standards and the specific needs of your home’s architecture.
  2. Expert Installation: Our experienced roofing professionals are adept at achieving the perfect overhang. They understand the balance required to provide optimal protection against water and wind.
  3. Quality Assurance: We conduct thorough inspections post-installation to ensure the overhang consistently and effectively provides the necessary protection.
  4. Customized Solutions: Understanding that every home is unique, we tailor our approach to suit the specific requirements of your property, ensuring that the overhang is functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Proper shingle overhang is a critical element in roof installation that should not be overlooked. It’s a key factor in preventing water damage and ensuring the structural integrity of your roof. At Better Built Contractors, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and commitment to providing visually appealing, functionally sound, and long-lasting roofs.

Sub-par Asphalt Shingles

Choosing asphalt shingles for your roof replacement is not to be taken lightly. The longevity and integrity of your roof heavily depend on the quality of the materials. Using sub-par asphalt shingles can lead to a range of problems, significantly reducing the lifespan of your roof. These issues can range from minor aesthetic flaws to significant structural damage, including leaks, water damage, and a weakened roof structure.

poor quality asphalt shingles losing color from sun exposure

To ensure your roof is a protective and enduring asset, understanding and identifying the quality of your shingles is paramount.

What to Look For

Regular inspection and maintenance of your roof can help identify issues early on. Here’s what you need to keep an eye on:

  1. Signs of Deterioration: Look for shingles cracking, fading, or curling at the edges. These signs often indicate that the shingles are of low quality and are deteriorating faster than they should.
  2. Uniform Color and Texture: High-quality asphalt shingles should have a consistent color and texture throughout. Patchiness or discoloration can be a sign of inferior materials.
  3. Granule Loss: Excessive loss of granules from the shingles is a common sign of poor quality. While some granule loss is normal, especially after installation, excessive or uneven loss is a concern.

What You Can Do Yourself

Unfortunately, identifying the quality of shingles on your own can be challenging. However, there are a few things you can do to ensure you get the best possible quality:

  • Research Brands and Manufacturers: Before selecting a shingle brand or manufacturer, research their reputation for quality and longevity.
  • Ask Your Contractor for Recommendations: A reputable roofing contractor will only recommend high-quality shingles that they trust and have experience working with.
  • Inspect Shingles Before Installation: Request to see the shingles on your roof before installation. This will allow you to visually inspect them for any signs of sub-par quality.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, we are committed to using only the highest quality materials for our roofing projects:

  1. Sourcing from Reputable Suppliers: We partner with leading suppliers known for their high standards in roofing materials. This ensures that every shingle we use meets our stringent criteria for durability and longevity.
  2. Quality Checks: We conduct thorough quality checks on all materials upon receipt and before installation. This includes inspecting the shingles for any manufacturing defects or inconsistencies.
  3. Expert Installation: Our skilled roofing professionals are trained in the latest installation techniques. They understand handling and installing high-quality shingles to maximize lifespan and performance.
  4. Long-Term Warranties: We stand behind the quality of our work and materials. By using superior asphalt shingles, we offer extended warranties, giving you peace of mind and assurance of the longevity of your roof.

Using high-quality asphalt shingles is integral to your roof’s overall performance and durability. At Better Built Contractors, our commitment to using only the best materials is a testament to our dedication to providing roofs that look great and offer superior protection and longevity.

Poorly Installed Flashing

When it comes to roofing, properly installing flashing is not just a detail—it’s a necessity. Flashing serves as a crucial barrier, directing water away from vulnerable areas of the roof, such as chimneys, vents, and valleys. When flashing is not installed correctly, it can become a major culprit for leaks and extensive water damage, which can compromise the structural integrity of your home.

perfect roof flashing installation in denham springs

Understanding and ensuring the correct flashing installation is vital to maintaining a healthy, leak-free roof.

What to Look For

To prevent potential water damage, inspecting the flashing on your roof regularly is crucial. Here’s what to keep an eye out for:

  1. Proper Sealing: Check that the flashing is properly sealed against the roof surface. Any gaps or poor seals are red flags that could lead to water seepage.
  2. Integration with Shingles: The flashing should be correctly integrated with the shingles. It should lie flat and be layered correctly to ensure water is guided away from the roof.
  3. No Rust or Damage: Inspect the flashing for any signs of rust, corrosion, or physical damage, as these can impair functionality.

What You Can Do Yourself

While it’s important to have a professional roofing contractor install flashing, there are steps you can take to ensure proper installation:

  • Familiarize Yourself with Flashing Types: There are several types of flashing used in roofing, including step, valley, and continuous flashing. Take the time to research and understand which type is being installed on your roof. This will help you better assess the quality of the installation.
  • Request Detailed Quotes: When getting quotes from contractors, ask for a detailed breakdown of costs, including materials and labor. This will give you a better understanding of what is being installed on your roof and any potential red flags to look out for.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, our approach to flashing installation is defined by precision and expertise:

  1. Trained Professionals: Our team comprises trained professionals specializing in precise flashing installation. They are equipped with the knowledge and tools to ensure every piece of flashing is installed accurately.
  2. Attention to Detail: We understand that the effectiveness of flashing depends on the smallest details. Our team takes the time to ensure every edge is sealed, every joint is tight, and every piece is correctly positioned.
  3. Quality Materials: We use only the highest quality materials for flashing, ensuring durability and long-term performance against water infiltration.
  4. Regular Inspections: We conduct thorough inspections post-installation to guarantee that the flashing is performing as it should. This proactive approach helps in early detection and rectification of any issues.

The correct installation of flashing is a critical aspect of roof health. At Better Built Contractors, we prioritize this essential component, ensuring that your roof has the best defense against water damage and leaks. Our commitment to precision and quality in flashing installation is a cornerstone of our promise to provide you with a strong roof against the elements.

Inconsistent Shingle Thickness

The thickness of asphalt shingles is not just a matter of appearance; it is essential for ensuring uniform protection and durability of your roof. Consistent shingle thickness is critical in providing a seamless, professional look and maintaining the structural integrity of the roof.

certainteed shingles waiting to be installed in denham springs la

Variations in thickness can indicate poor quality control or the improper mixing of old and new shingles, which can significantly compromise the roof’s functionality and lifespan.

What to Look For

To maintain the health and appearance of your roof, it’s important to be vigilant about shingle thickness. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  1. Uniformity Across the Roof: Check that the shingles have a consistent thickness across the entire roof. Inconsistencies can lead to uneven wear and potential vulnerabilities.
  2. Quality of Shingles: Look for signs that indicate the use of high-quality shingles, such as a robust texture and uniform coloration.
  3. No Mixing of Batches: Ensure there is no apparent mixing of different shingle batches, as this can lead to variations in thickness and color.

What You Can Do Yourself

This is another one of those things that is hard to tackle. However, here are some tips that can help you maintain a consistent thickness on your roof:

  • Regular Inspections: Make it a habit to routinely inspect your roof for any inconsistencies in shingle thickness. This will help you catch and address any issues early.
  • Consult with Professionals: If you notice significant variations in shingle thickness, consult with roofing professionals who can assess the situation and provide expert recommendations.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, we take the following steps to ensure consistency in shingle thickness:

  1. Quality Assurance Checks: We conduct thorough checks to verify that all shingles are from the same manufacturing batch before installation. This practice ensures uniformity in thickness and quality.
  2. Using Top-Tier Shingles: We source our shingles from reputable manufacturers known for their stringent quality controls. This ensures that every shingle meets our high standards.
  3. Expert Installation: Our professional installers are trained to identify and address any inconsistencies in shingle thickness during installation.
  4. Final Inspection: After installation, we conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure that the shingle thickness is uniform across the roof, guaranteeing aesthetic appeal and functional integrity.

Ensuring consistent shingle thickness is vital for the longevity and effectiveness of your roof. At Better Built Contractors, our meticulous approach to selecting and installing shingles reflects our commitment to providing visually appealing, structurally sound, and durable roofs.

Mismatched Surrounding Shingles

A cohesive and uniform appearance of shingles is not just a matter of curb appeal but a sign of a well-maintained and correctly installed roof. Mismatched surrounding shingles are more than an aesthetic issue; they often signal underlying problems in the roof’s installation or repair process.

mismatched shingles on denham springs la roof

Such inconsistencies can lead to complications, from poor weather resistance to uneven aging and wear. Ensuring that all shingles are uniform in color, size, and type is crucial for maintaining the roof’s structural integrity and prolonging its lifespan.

What to Look For

Regularly inspecting your roof can help identify mismatched shingles early, allowing for timely corrective measures. Key indicators include:

  1. Color Inconsistencies: Shingles that differ in color are a clear sign of mismatch. This can occur when shingles from different batches or manufacturers are used.
  2. Variations in Size or Shape: Uniform size and shape are essential for proper shingle fitting. Any discrepancies here can lead to gaps and potential leaks.
  3. Texture Differences: The shingles should uniformly feel the same to the touch. Different textures can affect how the roof repels water and withstands environmental stress.

What You Can Do Yourself

If your replacement shingles do not match the surrounding ones, here are some steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Inspection and Documentation: Carefully document the mismatched shingles and notify your roofing contractor for an assessment.
  • Request a Color Match: If your roof is still under warranty, ask your roofer to replace the mismatched shingles with ones that match the surrounding shingles.
  • Ensure Proper Installation: Verify that the new shingles are installed correctly and with uniformity in size, shape, and texture.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, ensuring a consistent and harmonious shingle roof is a top priority. Our process includes:

  1. Thorough Matching Procedure: We meticulously match new shingles with existing ones for color, size, and texture, ensuring seamless integration.
  2. Rigorous Quality Checks: We source our shingles from reputable suppliers and perform extensive quality checks to ensure uniformity in every batch.
  3. Skilled Installation: Our expert installers are trained to lay shingles, precisely maintaining uniformity across the roof.
  4. Detailed Final Inspection: Post-installation, we conduct a thorough inspection to identify mismatched shingles and make necessary adjustments to achieve perfect harmony.

The correct matching of surrounding shingles is essential for your roof’s aesthetic and functional integrity. At Better Built Contractors, we commit to delivering roofing solutions that are not only visually appealing but also provide robust protection and long-term durability.

Visible Gaps and Holes

A solid, intact roof is fundamental to the protection of your home. However, small gaps and holes can pose significant risks, leading to water infiltration and structural damage.

visible hole on new shingle installation in baton rouge

These vulnerabilities are not always immediately noticeable but can gradually escalate into significant issues, compromising the safety and integrity of your home. Identifying and promptly addressing these flaws is crucial to maintaining the roof’s condition and your home’s overall health.

What to Look For

Regular roof inspections are crucial to spotting these issues. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  1. Visible Gaps: Look for gaps between shingles, near the flashing, or around roof fixtures like vents and chimneys.
  2. Holes: Even small holes can be problematic. Check for any punctures or openings, especially after severe weather conditions.
  3. Signs of Water Entry: Stains or moisture in the attic can indicate gaps or holes in the roof.

What You Can Do Yourself

If you notice any gaps or holes in your roof, here are some steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Seal Gaps: Smaller gaps can be sealed using roofing cement or silicone caulking.
  • Patch Holes: For small holes, use a patching kit made for repairing roofs. Larger holes may require professional attention.
  • Consult a Professional: It’s always best to consult a professional roofer for more significant gaps or holes, as they may require more extensive repairs.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, our roofing process is designed to eliminate the risks of gaps and holes:

  1. Meticulous Installation: We take great care during installation to ensure every shingle is appropriately placed and secured, leaving no room for gaps or holes.
  2. Comprehensive Inspections: Our team conducts detailed inspections throughout the installation to identify and rectify potential issues.
  3. Use of High-Quality Materials: We use only the best materials, which reduces the likelihood of gaps or holes developing over time.
  4. Expert Workmanship: Our skilled roofers have the expertise to ensure every part of the roof is intact, providing a seamless and secure finish.

Addressing visible gaps and holes in your roof is crucial for preventing water damage and maintaining structural integrity. At Better Built Contractors, we are committed to delivering impeccable installation and repair services to ensure your roof remains in top condition, safeguarding your home against the elements.

Poor Worksite Cleanup

The condition of a worksite after a roofing project is completed speaks volumes about the professionalism and attention to detail of the roofing contractor. A clean and tidy worksite post-installation is not merely a matter of aesthetics; it directly reflects the care and thoroughness applied during the roofing process.

bad roofing installation debris shingles wood left in back yard

Debris, nails, and leftover materials not only detract from the appearance of your property but can also pose safety hazards. Ensuring a clean worksite is an essential aspect of a professional roofing job.

What to Look For

To gauge the professionalism of your roofing project, here’s what to check for post-installation:

  1. Absence of Debris: The area around your home should be free from roofing materials, such as old shingles or packaging.
  2. No Leftover Nails: All nails and metal pieces should be meticulously picked up, as they can be dangerous, especially in areas frequented by children and pets.
  3. Overall Tidiness: The worksite should be left in a condition that reflects respect for your property and attention to detail.

What You Can Do Yourself

If you notice any debris or nails left behind after a roofing project, here are some steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Sweep Away Debris: Use a broom or rake to remove leftover shingles, packaging, or other materials around your property.
  • Do a Magnet Sweep: Use a magnetic sweeper to pick up stray nails and metal pieces from your lawn or driveway.
  • Consult the Contractor: If you’re not satisfied with the state of your property post-installation, don’t hesitate to contact the roofing contractor for resolution.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, our commitment to excellence extends beyond the roof installation:

  1. Comprehensive Cleanup Process: After the completion of each project, our team conducts a thorough cleanup of the worksite, ensuring that all debris and materials are removed.
  2. Safety as a Priority: We use tools like magnetic sweepers to collect any stray nails or metal pieces, prioritizing the safety of your family and pets.
  3. Respect for Property: We treat every property with the utmost respect. Our goal is to leave your space as clean, if not cleaner than we found it.
  4. Final Inspection: Our project managers conduct a final inspection of the worksite, ensuring that our high cleanliness and safety standards are met.

Proper worksite cleanup is integral to our roofing process at Better Built Contractors. We believe that a clean and safe worksite is a key indicator of our professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction. Our thorough cleanup routine is just one of the ways we show our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our work.

Inadequate Ventilation

Proper ventilation in a roofing system is not just an additional feature—it is a fundamental aspect that impacts the overall health of your roof and, consequently, your home. Inadequate ventilation can lead to many problems, including heat and moisture buildup, which can result in mold growth, wood rot, and compromised roof integrity.

proper roofing ventilation in baton rouge louisiana

These issues not only affect your roof’s longevity but can also adversely affect indoor air quality and energy efficiency. Ensuring your roof has adequate ventilation is crucial in maintaining a healthy, efficient, and long-lasting roofing system.

What to Look For

To determine if your roof has proper ventilation, here are some signs to look for:

  1. Inconsistent Attic Temperatures: The temperature in your attic should be relatively consistent. Extreme temperature variations can indicate poor ventilation.
  2. Moisture Buildup: Check for signs of moisture, such as condensation or dampness, which can result from inadequate ventilation.
  3. Mold Growth: The presence of mold in the attic or roof deck clearly indicates excessive moisture and poor ventilation.

What You Can Do Yourself

If you suspect that your roof has inadequate ventilation, here are some steps you can take to address the issue:

  • Check for obstructions: Ensure no obstructions block vents or airflow.
  • Add Vents: If your roof lacks sufficient vents, consider adding more to improve air circulation.
  • Install a Fan: In areas where natural ventilation is insufficient, install a fan to improve airflow.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, we understand the importance of a well-ventilated roof. Our approach includes:

  1. Custom Ventilation Assessment: We start by assessing the specific ventilation needs of your roof. This involves evaluating the attic space, roof design, and local climate conditions.
  2. Implementing Optimal Ventilation Solutions: Based on our assessment, we implement a ventilation strategy that may include ridge vents, soffit vents, or other ventilation systems suited to your roof’s requirements.
  3. Quality Installation: Our team of experts ensures that all ventilation components are installed correctly and efficiently, maximizing airflow and minimizing potential issues.
  4. Regular Maintenance and Checks: We provide guidance on maintaining your roof’s ventilation system and offer regular check-ups to ensure it continues to function optimally.

Adequate ventilation is crucial for the health and longevity of your roof. At Better Built Contractors, our tailored approach to ventilation ensures that each roofing system we install or repair is equipped to provide optimal airflow, thereby protecting your home and enhancing your roof’s lifespan.

Missing or Loose Shingles

A roof’s shingles are its first line of defense against the elements. Missing shingles can leave your roof vulnerable to leaks, moisture buildup, and other damage. Loose shingles can also be problematic as they can detach entirely from the roof during inclement weather.

What to Look For

Regular checks can help you spot and address issues with shingles before they become serious problems and require extensive roof repair. Key things to look for include:

  1. Visible Bare Spots: Areas where shingles are missing will be visibly bare, exposing the underlayment or roof deck.
  2. Loose Shingles: Look for shingles that appear to be lifting, flapping, or not securely attached, especially after high winds or severe weather.
  3. Shingle Debris: Finding shingle granules in gutters or downspouts can be an indication of shingles that are breaking down or coming loose.

What You Can Do Yourself

If you notice missing or loose shingles on your roof, here are some steps you can take:

  • Tarping: In severe weather, use a tarp to cover any exposed areas until repairs can be made.
  • Replacing Damaged Roof Shingles: If you have extra shingles on hand from a previous repair or installation, carefully replace the missing or loose shingles yourself. Using a flat pry bar, utility knife, or putty knife, carefully lift and remove the damaged shingles, then replace them with new ones, ensuring four nails are used to secure each shingle.
  • Contact a Professional: If you are unsure or uncomfortable with replacing damaged shingles, contact a professional roofing contractor for assistance.

How We Do It at Better Built Contractors

At Better Built Contractors, we take a proactive approach to dealing with missing or loose shingles:

  1. Thorough Inspections: Our team conducts comprehensive roof inspections to identify any missing or loose shingles and assess the roof’s overall condition.
  2. Prompt Repairs: We quickly address any issues found during the inspection. This includes securely reattaching loose shingles or replacing missing ones.
  3. Use of Quality Materials: We use high-quality new shingles and roofing materials to ensure repairs are durable and blend seamlessly with the existing roof.
  4. Use of Professional Tools: Using the right tools and techniques is crucial when dealing with missing or loose shingles. Our team has the necessary expertise and equipment to make precise and lasting repairs.

Keeping an eye on the state of your shingles and promptly addressing any issues with missing or loose shingles is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your roof. At Better Built Contractors, we are dedicated to providing expert solutions to ensure your roof remains in top condition, effectively protecting your home.


better built contractors drone shot of new owens corning asphalt shingle installation

At Better Built Contractors, our unwavering commitment to quality and meticulous attention to detail sets us apart in the roofing industry. Recognizing the signs of a subpar rooting job empowers you as a homeowner and enables you to make informed decisions to protect and enhance your home.

Should you encounter any of these issues, remember that we are here to provide expert, reliable solutions built to last. Whether you need a complete roof replacement or just need a few shingles replaced, we’re here to help. Contact us today for all your roofing needs! So remember, keep an eye on your roof and never hesitate to reach out if you need assistance – we’ve got you covered!

Understanding the health of your roof is crucial, and sometimes, it requires a professional eye. That’s why we’re offering a Free Roof Inspection to help you assess the condition of your roof. Don’t wait for minor issues to become significant problems – fill out the form on this page to schedule your complimentary inspection and ensure your roof is in its best shape!

Get a Free Roof Inspection Today

Contact us to get your free, no-obligation roof inspection.

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